+49 (0) 54 27 - 94 34 - 0 info@bracksieker.de

Fence material

We can fall back on decades of experience in this area.
We can provide you with everything you need for fence construction.
Be it a decorative fence in the garden or enclosures with wildlife fencing/ kink mesh.
Do you need expert advice? We can help with your planning.

Wildlife wire fencing / wire mesh

The following versions are possible:

  • Double bar grid mats
    Version: raw / blank, galvanised or plastic coated
  • Square Machine mesh
    Version: raw / blank, galvanised or plastic coated
  • Hexagonal Mesh
    Version: galvanised and plastic coated
  • Hexagonal mesh ½ narrow + ½ wide or 1/3 narrow + 2/3 wide
    Version: galvanised
  • Luxurious decorative grille
    Version: plastic coated
  • Wildlife fencing / kink mesh
    Version: galvanised
  • Tension and binding wire
    Wire diameter: 2.00 -5.00 mm
    Version: plastic coated
  • Barbed wire, double-wired with 4 spikes
    Version: galvanised and plastic coated
  • Fence posts and gates in all versions
  • Wire stretchers
    Version: galvanised and plastic coated

Wildlife wire fencing / wire mesh

Your direct line to us


  +49 (0) 54 27 94 34 - 0