+49 (0) 54 27 - 94 34 - 0 info@bracksieker.de

Binding wire / Baling wire

Individual / packaged for large bundles

60/80 rings

Rings with a weight of 30/40 kg and 60/80 kg, depending on the diameter of the wire.
1.00 - 1.80 mm ring each 30/40 kg
2.00 - 6.00 mm ring each 60/80 kg


Annealed or soft-galvanised

60 / 80 kg ring

Individual / packaged for large bundles

Splited rings

You can obtain splited rings from us as standard rings
in 2.5 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg and 25 kg.
We would also be pleased to provide you with rings with your required weight or length.
Simply ask us about this.


Annealed or soft-galvanised

15 – 25 kg ring

Coils galvanised

Coiled rings

Each approx. 1000 kg



Annealed and hard-drawn / blank

Wire diameter:

1,00 mm – 6,00 mm

Coils galvanised

Annealed and galvanised in buckets


Binding wire rolls, also known as binding wire mice, are packed in buckets weighing 20 kg, with 36 buckets per palette. The weight per palette is 720 kg.

Wire diameter:

1,20 mm – 1,60 mm


Annealed or soft-galvanised


Production rings

You can obtain production rings from us from approx. 50 – 250 kg


Annealed or soft-galvanised

Wire diameter:

2,00 – 4,00 mm

Concrete binding wire /Wire sack fasteners

1000 or 5000 units


Annealed, copper-plated or PVC coated

Your direct line to us


  +49 (0) 54 27 94 34 - 0